Geboren: | 06.10.2017 |
Farbe: | braunweiss |
HD/ED: | A/A - 0/0 |
Augen: | |
LOA (Late onset Ataxie): SCA (Spinocerebelläre Ataxie): JBD (Juvenile Enzephalopathie): PLL (Primäre Linsen-Luxation): PCR (Degenerative Myelopathie): |
Genotyp N/N Genotyp N/N Genotyp N/N Genotyp N/N Genotyp N/N |
Wesenstest: | bestanden |
Züchter: | L. Cunha |
Besitzer: | Antonio Balsamo |
White Tan Homero | White Tan Mowgli | Quantana Doubl Image Rags Puma | |
Junona-Joga Thidalium Szczurolap | |||
Out Acting Rags Puma | Pretorium Just u Are It | ||
Iverbrae Mahogany Fleur | |||
Wildrunner's Dreamin of Me | Rapunzellin the Real Mccoy | Boldanbrainy with Much Ado | |
Rapunzellin Xmen Mystique | |||
Gspot de Vale do Criz | Ch'Tador of Mayo Land | ||
Rene Russo de Vale do Criz | |||
Michael Gruber und Antonio Balsamo
Austrasse 6
CH-5105 Auenstein
Telefon: +41 79 550 90 78/+41 76 410 62 44