
1 Rüde schwarz, 5 Hündinnen schwarz


Braemist Galway Lad


Bernica Eternal Flame

NED CH Braemist Galway Lad SH CH Cleovine Derryname SHCH Heathland Gamekeeper CH Withybed Country Lad
Larksdown Duchess of Heathland
Pendelwych Pipet at Cleovine Tonggreen Storm Petrel
CH Larg Linnet of Pendlewych
Braemist Bonnie Blue SHCH Exclyst Bristol Cream at Ravenhall CH Exclyst Watchman
SHCH Exclyst Victoria
SHCH Braemist Dusky Queen SHCH Exclyst Viking
Braemist Lady of the Stars
Bernica Eternal Flame   SHCH Pendlewych Piper Tonggreen Storm Petrel
CH Larg Linnet of Pendlewych
SHCH Clowbeck Fine Feathers SHCH Emanon Parkgate Boy
Clowbeck Black Fennel
Hartshead Angelina Burdett of Bernicia Carrondale Dusk Sparkie at Bricanida SHCH Emanon Parkgate Boy
Rase Inspiration
Hartshead Misty Dawn SHCH Clowbeck Cock Robin
Falswift Black Swallow