
3 Rüden schwarz, 4 Hündinnen schwarz

Diamante Blu Chilkood


Plainfire Release Your Fantasy

Diamante Blu Chilkood Dakotaspirit in to the Wild Rotherfield Reason to Rave Rotherfield Call me Sir
Rotherfield Another Madam
Dakotaspirit Isle of Sky Branchalwood Aylancoll
Heilurihännen Kiss me Quick
Diamante Blu La Strada Verso Casa Castlerock Simply Magic Calzeat Causa Commotion
Castlerock Magic Moment
Diamante Blu Alohmora Dakotaspirit Kippari
Dakotaspirit Alba Chiara
Plainfire's Release your Fantasy Gillians Choice Dream On Compendio Eyran Black Mica's for those who Dare
Compendio Vanta Verona
Neala's Gillian Anderson Comics New Blue Chip
Plainfire's Kiss me Kate
Plainfire's Jenny don't be Hasty Miss Mallorys Never Give up Engsboda Toulouse Lautrec
Miss Mallorys Love at First Sight
Plainfire's Black and Teal CH Comics New Blue Chip
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