
2 Rüden schwarz, 5 Hündinnen schwarz

Comics Spirit in the Night "Teal"


Comics Spirit in the Night CH Flatterhaft Music of the Night CH Boppalooza i Natt är Du Min CH Caci's Lovely Prince Cake
CH Boppalooza Nattens Drottning
CH Flatterhaft Rulligardina Ch Torpedos Woodoo Magic
Flatterhaft Simply the Best
CH Comics Easter Parade CH Comics Storm in Blue Gunhills Ear of Oesophagus
Scarlett O'Hara
CH Wildzeal Welcome to my World CH Cacis Win a Latte
CH Wildzeal Roas Multiflora
Plainfire's Xpress Yourself Guiness Gonzo Ashes of St. Helens CH Amaro Ashes of St. Helens CH Twilight Star's Big N'Beautiful
Neala's Zunder of St. Helens
Conover's Yes It's Fernet Branca Gowran Pheasant Tail
Conover's Xlnt Winstar
Plainfire's Never Kiss a Stranger  Caci's All You Need is Love  SE U(U)CH Black Mica's for those who Dare
CH Caci's She is Shining
Plainfire's You Pay I Play CH Comics New Blue Chip
CH Plainfire's Pick up a Lot