
3 Rüden schwarz, 3 Hündinnen schwarz

Neala's Xtraordinary "Clyde"


Neala's Xtraordinary Plainfire's Keep on Moving Black Mica's Not your Business SU(U)CH NUCH FINJV-06 KBHV-07 NV-07 Black Mica's That's Enough
Black Mica's it will fit
Plainfire's You Pay I Play CH Comics New Blue Chip
Plainfire's Pick up a Lot
Neala's Strathisla CH Colona Ben Nevis Heathlimn Tirran of Cleovine
Benvellyn Saffiro of Colona
SH CH Branchalwood Benromach Benvellyn Cape Columbard of Daicheil
SH CH Branchalwood Aylansula
Plainfire's One in a Million CH Guiness Gonzo Ashes of St. Helens CH Amaro Ashes of St. Helens CH Twilight Star's Big 'N Beautiful
Nealas' Zunder for St. Helens
Conover's Yes it's Fernet Branca Gworan Pheasant Tail
Conover's Xlnt Winstar
CH Plainfire's Hole in One CH Plainfire's Young Diamond CH Comics New Blue Chip
Plainfire's Pick up a Lot
Plainfire's Zone of Fire CH Comics Westside Story
Plainfire´s Ready to Run